Saturday 30 November 2013

Rebuild Your Thyroid.......

Buy Thyromin Thyroid support Supplement Here!Thyromin natural thyroid supplement contains essential oils that have natural anti-inflammatory properties that support the thyroid and more. It also contains amino acids, minerals, herbs and other nutrients that provide essential nutrients to the thyroid and adrenal glands as well.
Use this supplement to help balance metabolism, reduce fatigue and support the endocrine system and adrenal glands.
How do I know if I need Natural Thyroid Supplements?
First know the signs of thyroid problems. If suspect, one can use a simple home test to check if your thyroid is working correctly. This is the way I periodically check by thyroid without having thyroid test results. If the test indicates your thyroid levels are low or underactive, then follow the directions below for taking Thyromin natural thyroid supplement until it is corrected.
What Other Uses?
The documented uses are listed below but menstruating women in particular will find that taking Thyromin natural thyroid supplement during certain times of their cycle will not only support the thyroid but help balance the hormones. See the directions below for specific usage.

Thyromin Natural Thyroid Supplement™

What is in Thyromin Natural Thyroid Supplement?
There are several natural ingredients as well as four essential oils in Thyromin.
The natural ingredients with a brief description of each are provided below:
• Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl acetate and as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) – Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and provides health benefits.
• Kelp – Kelp is a natural ingredient whose main component is iodine. Iodine is a key element in the production of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones which increases energy levels and boosts metabolism. It also prevents goiters common in overactive thyroid conditions.
• Adrenal and Pituitary Extracts (Argentina bovine source) – Provides building bock to hormone synthesis.
• CoQ10 – Enzyme used by every cell in the body to convert food to energy.
• Potassium – supports healthy thyroid function
• Parsley - supports healthy thyroid function
• L-cystine – Amino acid important for thyroid health. It promotes glutathione production in the body a powerful antioxidant that is essential for detoxification of the liver.
• L-cysteine HCL
• Magnesium carbonate - supports healthy thyroid function
• Magnesium stearate - supports healthy thyroid function
• Carrageenan – natural ingredient to form capsule.
The essential oils are listed below along with a brief description of each oil.
• Spearmint Essential Oil (Mentha spicatahas antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal hormone like and stimulant properties. It helps to burn fats and toxins in the body.
• Peppermint Essential Oil (Mentha piperita ) has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and digestive aid properties. It blocks pain, enhances the other effects of the oils, sooths food poisoning curbs appetite and reduces motion sickness.
• Myrtle Essential Oil (Myrtus communis) has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-infectious properties. It is a decongestant and excellent for the respiratory and the immune system.
• Myrrh Essential Oil (Commiphora myrrha) has antioxidant, antitumoral, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It is excellent for fungal infections and skin conditions. It balances the production of thyroxin (T4 hormone).
Do you want more information about the individual oil?
Just click on the name of the oil to find out other interesting information such as:
• What Part of the Plant is Used?
• What is an ORAC Value?
• What is the ORAC of the Oil?
• What are the Plant Properties and Uses?
• Where is the Name derived from?
• The Most Interesting Historical Reference?
• And more!
What are the Documented Uses Thyromin? Adrenal glands (underactive), AIDS, alopecia areata, amino acids, apnea, arthritis, auto-immune system, Candida, cells, cellulite, circulation, cortisone, depression, endocrine system, energy, Epstein Barr, fatigue, fibroids, fungus, gout, Grave’s Disease, hair loss, Hashimoto’s Disease, hormonal balance and system, hypothyroidism, immune system, infertility (women), Lupus, metabolism (balance, increase, regulate), Muscular Dystrophy, narcolepsy, osteoporosis, pancreas, potassium deficiency, PMS, scleroderma, Schmidt’s Syndrome, skin (wrinkles, aging), stress, temperature (balances body temperature), thyroid, varicose veins, weight loss and control, wrinkles.
What Body Systems are Affected? Hormonal and Endocrine
How do I use it?
Take one or two capsules per day before bed or as required (see below).
How do I use it to boost my Thyroid?
Take one capsule each night at bedtime if basal temperature is under 97.6. Monitor for several days. If temperature does not increase, take one capsule in the morning and monitor temperature for several days. Alternate extra capsules between evening and morning until your basal temperature is 97.6.
How do I use Thyromin Natural Thyroid Supplement for PMS and to Regulate Hormones?
For menstruating women, take one capsule day 3 and 4 of your cycle. Take two day 14 of your cycle. If you are already taking Thyromin daily then take one additional capsule at night.
Can this oil be used for Animals? Yes. Consult your vet before this is used for cats. And to use this product you more than likely want to monitor your dogs progress through blood work. Start slowly at 1/4 to 1/2 capsule (large).
Note about animals: Certain oils can be very toxic to cats when they are not therapeutic grade. Citrus products and oils in particular. Please consult your vet if you are not sure about applying any essential oil to your pet or giving an essential oil supplement to your pet.
What are the Safety Precautions?

While Thyromin natural thyroid supplement can replace thyroid medication, please consult your health care professional if on medication.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Acne and Essential Oils

Acne results from an excess accumulation of dirt and sebum around the hair follicle and the pores of the skin.  This accumulation may be due to an over-production of sebum, an oily substance that is secreted by the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles.  As the pores and hair follicles become congested, bacteria begins to feed on the sebum.  This leads to inflammation and infection around the hair follicle and the formation of a pimple or a puss-filled blackhead.  One of the most common forms of acne, 'Acne Vulgaris', occurs primarily in adolescents due to hormone imbalances which stimulate the creation of sebum.

Acne in adults can also be caused by hormone imbalance, as well as use of chlorinated compounds, endocrine system imbalances, or poor dietary practices.  Heavy or greasy make-up can also contribute to acne.
Stress is known to also play a role in the creation of acne.  According to research conducted by Dr. Toyoda in Japan, acne and other skin problems are a direct result of physical and emotional stress.

Some Tips For Clearing Up Acne.........

* Eliminate dairy products, fried foods, chemical additives, and sugar from your diet.
* Avoid use of make-up or chlorinated water.
* Avoid contact with plastics which may exude estrogenic chemicals.
* Topically apply essential oils such as tea tree to the problem areas.  Tea Tree was shown to be equal to benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne, according to research in the Medical Journal of Australia.
* Begin a cleansing program with the Cleansing Trio and Sulfurzyme from Young Essential Oils.

Essential Oils are outstanding for treating acne because of their ability to dissolve sebum, kill bacteria, and preserve the acid mantle of the skin.  Because essential oils may be slightly drying to the skin when applied undiluted, it may be necessary to dilute them with a V6 Oil Complex, or grapeseed oil to keep the skin hydrated.

A list of oils that are good for acne......
Tea Tree, Geranium, Vetiver, Blue Cypress, Lavender, Patchouly, German or Roman Chamomile, Rosewood, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus Radiata, Orange, Clove

A list of Blends that are good for acne......
Melrose, Thieves, Gentle Baby, Purification, JuvaFlex, JuvaCleanse

Essential Oil Applications.....
TOPICAL:  Neat or Dilute 50/50 as required with grapeseed oil
                   Gently massage 3-5 drops into oily areas 1-3 times a day.  Alternate oils daily for                                  maximum effect.

Dietary Suppliment:   Essential Omegas, Power Meal, Mineral Essence, Exodus, Super C, Super C                                          Chewable, Stevia, VitaGreen, Cleansing Trio, Wolfberry Crisp.
To resolve acne caused by hormonal imbalance, use:  Estro Tincture, Ultra Young, Progessence Cream

Topical Treatment:  Mint Satin Scrub, Juniper Satin Scrub, Progessence Cream, Ortho Ease, Melaleuca-Geranium Bar Soap, Lemon-Sandalwood Bar Soap

If you are interested in trying any of these products, you can contact me here or on the sites below.....

To purchase any of these wonderful oils, please go to my website at:
Any questions?  Just contact me either here or on my website.
Check out my Facebook page at:                               

Saturday 2 November 2013

Using Young Essential Oils.......They are so good for your health

Historical Use of Essential Oils

Essential oils are considered mankind’s first medicine and have been used around the world for centuries. Essential oils and other aromatics have been used in religious rituals, to treat various illnesses, and for other physical and spiritual needs.
Research dates the use of essential oils back to 4500 BC. Ancient Egyptians were the first to discover the potential of fragrance, and records demonstrate that oils and aromatics were used for treating illness and performing rituals and religious ceremonies in temples and pyramids. In fact, three oils that are still commonly used today—cedarwood, myrrh, and frankincense—were used in the embalming process.[1]
According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and physicians used oils thousands of years before the time of Christ. There are more than 188 references to oils in the Bible, and some precious oils like frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, cassia, and cinnamon were used for the anointing and healing of the sick. Additionally, biblical prophets recognized the use of essential oils as protection against disease.[2]
The reintroduction of essential oils into modern medicine first began during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since that time essential oils have been used traditionally to kill harmful germs, as well as spiritually to balance mood, lift spirits, and dispel negative emotions.

Targeted Wellness Solutions with Essential Oils

Proven effective when taken internally, essential oil-infused supplements offer a variety of wellness solutions from supporting bone wellness to balancing digestive function. Formulated specifically to target certain areas of the body, Young Living's supplements encapsulate essential oils like peppermint, clove, and oregano in rapid release softgels that deliver immediate, lasting results.

Bone Wellness
Proper bone wellness is crucial to overall wellness. Without providing vital nutrients to your bones, painful and debilitating bone diseases like osteoporosis may result. Essential oil supplements like BLM™ and MegaCal™ are specially formulated to support bone and joint wellness and ensure you're getting all the vitamins and minerals your bones require.

Young Living's Most Popluar Products for Bone Wellness

  • BLM: Formulated to support normal bone and joint wellness.
  • MegaCal: A powerful source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C.

Digestive Wellness                                                                                                 Normal digestive function is crucial for optimal wellness and vitality. Without proper digestive wellness one cannot break down and absorb nutrients from food and can suffer a variety of ailments. From meal replacements to dietary supplements to the antioxidant-rich superfood NingXia Red™, Young Living offers a wide array of products catered to supporting digestive wellness.

Young Living's Most Popular Products for Digestive Wellness

  • Digest + Cleanse™: Reduces the digestive discomfort and bloating that sometimes accompanies high fiber intake.
  • Balance Complete™: A superfood-based meal replacement that is both a powerful nutritive energizer and a cleanser.
  • NingXia Red: Nutrient-infused wolfberry drink that will energize, fortify, and replenish your body.

Heart Wellness                                                                                                      Without normal cardiovascular function you can suffer from a variety of wellness issues. Proper nutrition is one of the easiest ways to combat poor circulatory wellness and avoid problems like poor circulation, decreased energy, and heart disease. Nourishing the body with essential oil-infused supplements like CardiaCare and Omega Blue is one step towards keeping your heart well.

Young Living's Most Popular Products for Heart Wellness

  • Omega Blue™: A clinically proven dose of omega-3 (EPA, DHA) fatty acid nutrients critical for heart, eye, brain, and joint wellness.
    Immune Wellness                                                                                             Maintaining a functioning immune system is key to overall wellness. Without a sound immune system one can't combat infections or disease, and people with low-functioning immune systems tend to be sluggish and fall ill more frequently.

Young Living has developed a variety of essential oil supplements designed to support immune function.

Young Living's Most Popular Products for Immune Wellness

  • Inner Defense™: Formulated to reinforce systemic defenses and promote good respiratory function.
  • NingXia Red: Nutrient-infused wolfberry drink that will energize, fortify, and replenish your body.

Men's Wellness

Men need more vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, niacin, thiamine, and zinc than women due to the physical ailments—heart disease, colon cancer—more frequently suffered by men.

Young Living's Most Popular Products for Men's Wellness

  • True Source: A whole food-sourced daily multivitamin that offers a full range of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phyonutrients.

Women's Wellness

To support the specific nutritional requirements of the female body—like higher calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B needs than men—and help prevent ailments like low bone density and iron deficiencies, MegaCal™ supplements the diet where women need it most.

Young Living's Most Popular Products for Women's Wellness

  • MegaCal: A wonderful source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C.
  • True Source: A whole food-sourced daily multivitamin that offers a full range of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phyonutrients.
 Click on the link below to watch this interesting video.

To purchase any of these wonderful oils, please go to my website at:
Any questions?  Just contact me either here or on my website.
Check out my Facebook page at:                               

Thursday 31 October 2013

The Four Steps to Immunity

Audio: The Four Steps to Immunity

To listen to audio, click on link at the bottom of this article.

This is Doug Corrigan, the Training and Education Director for Young Living Essential Oils. As usual we have before us today a tremendous group of products to discuss. Of course with Young Living’s vast breadth of products and depth of quality it seems like we never run out of opportunities to discuss products that bring remarkably effective, diverse, and very immediately noticeable health results. This topic is certainly no different as it is one of universal interest and importance; namely, the immune system and how a special blend of essential oils that we commonly call Thieves can be a tremendous support as we go forward and attempt to boost our immunity.
As many of you are aware, the immune system is the body’s defense system against all things that can harm it. If our immune system is not functioning properly this leaves us very vulnerable to many different pathogens. I don’t know about all of you out there, but every time I tune into the news I feel a little bit like that group in the Wizard of Oz that’s walking into that forest, looking around every corner and chanting ‘Lions, tigers, and bears oh my!’ because everywhere we look we have pathogens, viruses, funguses, bacteria; all these different things that are attacking our immune systems, and our immune systems need to be in top condition to handle the different pathogens that we see in our modern society.
What is the state of your personal immune system? If you were to personify the strength of your immune system what would it look like? What we need it to look like is maybe John Rambo or Chuck Norris but for most of us, unfortunately, our immune system looks a little bit more like Barney Fife!
Let’s talk a little bit about the state of affairs out there in modern society. What are those lions, tigers, and bears? I mentioned a few things, but how big a deal is it? Well we see in studies time after time that bacterial strains that are enhanced – perhaps maybe you’ve heard of black mold – these become highly potent inducers of inflammatory and cellular toxic effects. Of course many of us have heard about the antibiotic-resistant bacteria that in 2005 killed an estimated 19,000 Americans. Here we see a problem with a solution. We have modern medicine telling us that to defend ourselves from these different pathogens we take an antibiotic that of course has other repercussions, and then we end up with resistant bacteria that we have no antibiotics for and then we’re even more vulnerable to that. Now what about funguses? A lot of people don’t realize that black mold and fungus really contribute, not that they necessarily give us an infection, but they contribute to things like lung disease, asthma, skin infections, sinusitis, immune dysfunction; and of course all of us have seen the very scary situations that are developing with these methicillin-resistant staphylococcus infections, of which there really seem to be no answers for with flesh-eating bacteria. Again, you start to feel seriously like those folks chanting ‘Lions and tigers and bears oh my!’ So we know that what’s going on there might be a little frightening. We’ve talked about some of these issues that exist in regard to different things that might harm our health and the health of our loved ones; these viruses, bacteria, funguses, all these different things.
What I’m going to present to you today is a strategy that includes four different parts. As we implement different products and concepts that Young Living offers in each of these areas I believe that you’ll improve your immunity, your health, immensely. I’ve done it in my own family; we’ve had great success. I call it Four Steps to Immunity.
The first step that we want to do in helping our immune system is to reduce our exposures, and we can do that. We can do that profoundly with regard to Thieves, specifically diffusing it.
Now the second step – and we’ll talk a little bit more about each of these in depth – we can mobilize and strengthen our defenses using different essential oils and different products so we won’t exclusively talk about Thieves; there are a couple of other products that Young Living carries that can help us to mobilize and strengthen our defenses.
Then at times, as we talked about earlier, we need to have some hired guns. Our immune system by and large might not look great; our immune system might look a lot like Barney Fife. So we need to bring in some of these tougher, more impressive defense mechanisms that can come in and help us when our immune system is compromised or when we’re under attack; we need to bring in reinforcements and that’s the area that I call hired guns.
The fourth area is that we can’t always avoid every illness but we can ease the symptoms, and there are some really great strategies that can help us ease symptoms and get over things quickly once something takes root or starts to affect our health. It starts in this area of reduced exposures.
Thieves Essential OilWhat I mean by reduced exposures, there I’m talking about how to implement this tremendous blend of Thieves essential oil which has really been used for many, many generations going back into the Bible. Not to say of course that they used the Thieves blend exactly back in the Bible but inside the Bible, in Exodus, and even in the Koran and in the Torah, they talk about the usage of essential oils. Specifically I’ll refer to a chapter in Exodus that says ‘Also take fine spices of fragrant cinnamon, half as much, even 250 of cassia, 500, and you shall use it to anoint the tent of meeting, the ark of the testimony.’ These were the oils, these were the preparations, that people used to purify their altars, to purify their holy places and to purify their areas of worship.
Again in the medieval times there was a group of thieves who were robbing – if you can imagine the depths of depravity that would accompany people out robbing the victims of the Black Plague – this group of thieves was unaffected by the ravages of the plague because of a vinegar that they made using different essential oils and herbals, but specifically that is really what gave birth to this recipe, what gave birth to the Thieves blend of essential oils that Young Living offers. This Thieves blend can be used in many areas of the four steps to immunity, and it’s effective in several areas but we’re going to talk first about how it can help us to reduce our exposures. As the wise man said, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and I would say it’s worth much, much more than that.
So what is in the Thieves blend of essential oils? This is a blend of essential oils that holds CloveLemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, andRosemary. This is a tremendous blend of essential oils, a real gift from the plant kingdom because it employs oils that help us in a variety of ways. First is as antimicrobial; second as antioxidant; and thirdly is really to work with the anatomy and physiology of the body to open our airways, to wake up our minds and help us with mental fatigue and all these different things. First and foremost though, this is a tremendous purifier, a purifier of our environment, and it really starts with the great essential oil of cinnamon. There are numerous studies in regard to cinnamon about how it has antifungal, antibacterial properties. This is one of the great essential oils of all time, really. Cinnamon is so profound. Of course we know that it has other physiological mechanisms that work in our body but in regard to a purifier, it really is the tops.
If we think of antifungal, a lot of people think ‘Antifungal? Do I need to be worried about funguses?’ The answer is ‘Absolutely yes.’ Funguses and molds can severely compromise our health; in fact I was just talking about how a lot of these things have been related to lung disease, asthma, sinusitis, immune dysfunction and other problematic things. In regard to antifungal activity, Cinnamon was the best essential oil tested. It had double and triple the antifungal activity of most essential oils. Cinnamon is the top, Cassia second (as you would think from that Bible passage in Exodus), and then third is Clove. Clove is tremendous as an antifungal but Clove also has other properties; we know that it’s a tremendous antioxidant, which helps our cells to be healthy and better able to fight off unwanted invaders and our immune system is going to be strengthened that way, but just in and of itself it attacks and kills microbes that we don’t want. It has broad, broad-spectrum antimicrobials, it kills bacteria, it has been shown to kill funguses, and it has been shown to kill viruses. So if we think about lions and tigers and bears, well guess what – nature has an answer for each of those different scenarios.
One of the interesting books in recent time that talks about how we can reduce our exposures was written by a gentleman named Dr. Edward Close, who wrote about toxic mold and a breakthrough discovery in regard to toxic mold. He diffused Thieves in these areas that were affected by toxic mold and virtually erased this toxic black mold that can be really harmful. It’s not just the mold where it sits and causes problems, but it releases spores and that can really have negative impacts. A lot of times people who have constant recurring sinus infections usually have problems with fungus or mold of some sort in their homes. Diffusing Thieves is tremendous in that regard; it nullified the mold in these areas, killed it outright, and protected from it coming back again.
In another important study done in 1997 at Weber State University, Sue Chao working in conjunction with Young Living Essential Oils showed how Thieves was deadly for airborne bacteria so we’re helping our surface areas and purifying those, and we are purifying our air as we diffuse Thieves. Really the longer the better was what a lot of the research from Dr. Close showed; that you need to be intermittently be diffusing Thieves in your home and in your living spaces, in your offices as well. The great thing about Thieves is that it smells wonderful, there are not going to be people complaining about the smell of Thieves because it smells like cinnamon, cloves, lemon, eucalyptus, all these great smells that really help us to fight these things off and reduce our exposures.
Thieves Foaming Hand SoapOf course when we talk about reducing our exposures, the next places that we need to talk about are a couple of key battlegrounds. First and foremost, how can Thieves help us with winning the battle in regard to our hands, and how can we keep them pure and clean. Our hands are crucial in our battle for maintaining our health and avoiding these different pathogens and colds and flus. Study after study shows that if we can win the battle of our hands – and that means washing your hands frequency and often. Important to note is that when you use products that have been strengthened with this Thieves blend of essential oils you’re going to be miles ahead. Of course many of you are familiar with ourThieves Foaming Hand Soap; it’s an awesome opportunity and you need to have that foaming hand soap in every bathroom or by every sink in your house. Also it leaves a protective layer, and what we’ve seen in the studies that we’ve done is that the essential oils actually remain on the hands and can form a protective barrier. Another product that can help tremendously with that – because you can’t always stay within arm’s reach of a sink and our Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, you have to go out in the real world and there is not always a lot of stuff available to you – so for that we have developed the Thieves Hand Purifier. That’s a gel agent, they are small bottles of a gel that you can take with you wherever you go, and this has been fortified and enhanced with our Thieves blend. This again builds up a tremendous protective barrier. Not only are there things in there that kill on contact as far as killing what you might be carrying around with you but it also keeps killing, keeps preventing over time. You can’t just be constantly reapplying again and again so the Thieves is so much better than a lot of the other hand purifiers because those essential oils stick around, they’re not like an alcohol that just quickly evaporates, these essential oils actually stick around on your hands and can form a great protective barrier.
Thieves Toothpaste AromaBrightNow the other battleground where it’s so essential for us to win and keep our health is the mouth. The mouth is this exchange; oftentimes it’s the hands that go to the mouth or the other mucous membranes like the nose; those are the areas where we often encounter those pathogens and they’re brought into the body. We breathe them in; we eat food that might be contaminated; we touch our mouth with our hands; and inside our mouths is a tremendous battleground and exchange for these bacteria, viruses, and funguses and all the different things that can cause us problems. One of the great ways we can reduce our exposure is by concentrating on our mouth and making sure it’s as clean as possible. That means as far as toothpaste goes, there’s a great Thieves Dentarome Toothpaste. This toothpaste has been reinforced with the different Thieves essential oils. There’s also a Thieves Mouthwash which is amazingly strong and really powerful, and you can rinse your mouth with that. There have been all kinds of different studies showing how an essential oil mouth rinse like the Thieves is so much more effective than other mouth rinses. It keeps your mouth not just free of bacteria as we were talking about; it reduces the plaque and it does that significantly. We can really compare the efficacy in multiple studies of an antiseptic mouth rinse enhanced with essential oils, how much better that works. In fact it even works better than a lot of fluoride toothpastes that are out there. That’s important for immunity, but what’s really fascinating is how dental hygiene can help you in other areas of your health. Maybe you’ve seen the studies from the American Heart Association that talk about how good dental hygiene is correlated to preventing heart infections, so surely you’ll be helping yourself to stave off different colds and flus and different things like that by keeping your mouth clean, but you may also have other things happening that are protective for your health in regard to preventing heart infection and other things like that. What a great option for us to improve our dental hygiene, the hygiene in our mouth with a couple of things that we’ve talked about – Thieves Toothpaste, Thieves Mouthwash, and then one of the products that I love that we don’t talk about enough is Thieves Lozenges. If we have those Thieves Lozenges with us all the time then anytime we think we might be compromised a little bit, if we pop a Thieves Lozenge in our mouth, you can see that we’ll have immediate effects that will last. You can see a lot of areas where we can reduce our threats of exposure with the Thieves products from hand soap and sanitizer, lozenges, of course cleaning our environment with the Thieves Household Cleaner; we can really set ourselves up to reduce our exposures in all these critical areas, and that is going to help us tremendously with regard to avoiding problems.
Ningxia Red ComboThe second step today is to energize and improve our natural defenses. As great a wall and fortress as we can build in regard to immunity, some stuff is going to get through. Some stuff is going to get past, down the mouth, down the hatch, it’s going to get into our sinuses and we’re going to have exposures. It just happens; there are too many things out there to take into account. When that happens, what is going on in our body? Well the immune system, that’s where it really kicks in. We’re going to assist our immune system by reducing the number of pathogens, but we can also help to boost our immunity, re-energize or energize and improve our natural defenses, and there are several products that are tremendous for that, not the least of which is NingXia Red, which is a tremendous product for boosting your immunity. In fact studies have shown, measuring macrophages and phagocytes, that it improves immunity by 81% just by drinking your daily dose of NingXia Red. Other great products that take advantage of wolfberries and other effective nutraceuticals would be ImmuPro; ImmuPro is strengthened with wolfberries and also other beta glucans that are derived from mushrooms like maitaki, and these mushrooms help to strengthen our immunity and really act to boost things.
Life 5 Probiotic
Of course Life 5 cannot be underestimated. A good portion of the immune system in the body is really controlled and triggered by our gut, so if our gut is healthy and working properly, and Life 5 can do tremendous things in regard to that, then you are much more likely to be able to neutralize those pathogens as they come into the body. I should mention here that Life 5 has several different strains of species in it that double the immunity of our immune cells. An important double-blind study done in 2006 involving 248 children tested the effects of the super strains that we have in Life 5, the super strains of beneficial bacteria, Bifidus lactis and L. rhamnosus. The children were tested from November to May, when they were most susceptible to colds and flus, and what they saw was that they reduced the number of sick days by almost 50% and reduced the need for antibiotics by 80%. So if you have anybody who is going to school, school-age children, they need to be taking that Life 5. Anybody who is encountering the rigors of the workday, encountering other people, needs to be taking Life 5. You can see it reduced the number of sick days by 50% and the need for antibiotics by 80%; what a benefit that is, to be able to reduce the intake of antibiotics! When we start to think about the things that have made our immune systems look like Barney Fife, one of those things is the fact that so many people are taking frequent antibiotics, which has disastrous effects on our natural and innate immunity, so much so that they think that just one course of antibiotics can really damage your immune system for a prolonged period of time. So if we can avoid those things, and we can do that by taking a natural alternative with no downside like Life 5, like boosting your immunity, like doing some of the other things that we’ve talked about, how much better will our immune systems be when we encounter that next problematic event? Life 5 also works against other aggressive pathogens; one of the best things it does it helps people who have bacteria-induced diarrhea, Life 5 can really help in regard to Salmonella poisoning and protecting against some of those different things, so here you have a tremendous product that helps your immunity in a variety of ways.
Inner Defense SoftgelsNow we’ll move on to the next area – hired guns. What happens when we do get sick? What happens when boosting our immunity isn’t quite enough, what happens when there is a hot infection and different things are going on? Are there natural alternatives at that point? Yes, the answer is a resounding yes! You have to continue to take your Life 5. The other thing that is so tremendous and really is built on the back of the concept of the Thieves blend is a product called Inner Defense. I call this nature’s ultimate purifier. It is jam-packed with so many tremendous oils. This is meant to be ingested so Inner Defense is a soft gel preparation, really of Thieves but Thieves in addition to several other essential oils that really make it a product like none other on the market. Inner Defense not only has all those different things we talked about before – Clove, Cinnamon, Lemon, and Eucalyptus; all these different products that can really help to attack those pathogens and help to boost our immunity and give our immune system support as it tries to stave off these different things that are attacking it – but it also has a tremendously special blend of Oregano that contains 4 different Oregano species. Oregano is jam-packed with phenols. Of course many of the different essential oils that we have in Thieves are also jam-packed with phenols, which have tremendous ability to resist bacteria, to resist funguses, and resist all these different things. It is phenols that a lot of people will know under the name carvacrol; perhaps you’ve heard of this tremendous phytochemical that has really great ability to fight off bacteria and other things; cinnamaldehyde in Cinnamon Bark; and eugenol in Clove. Eugenol has great properties for antioxidant but it also has great properties in fighting off different things that might be affecting you. A great study that looked at penicillin versus Oregano essential oil (this was again researched at Weber State University) showed that 12 micro liters of Oregano had the antibacterial equivalent of 10 units of penicillin. So that’s pretty amazing stuff when you stop to think about how effective these different essential oils can be, and they really work and they work where you need it the most.
The other great thing that Inner Defense will bring to you is protection against different parasites; that’s maybe lions, tigers, bears and alligators out there, the alligators being the parasites. I’m telling you there are a lot of folks out there who don’t even know that they have parasites but they are compromising their health. The great thing about essential oils is they also have a lot of antiparasitic action and will help to defend in that arena as well.
So now we have these hired guns and we’ve brought these things to bear. We are feeling a lot better because even though we may be struggling a little bit with our own personal innate immunity where we might be compromised, we can bring some of these essential oils that have developed inside plants and helped to protect plants from all these things – parasites, funguses, bacteria – all these different things the essential oils have evolved to protect the plants from, we can now take those things as long as we’re using pure authentic essential oils, we can take those things into our bodies and into our environments and know that they’re going to be helping us as we battle against these things.
Breath Again Essential Oil Roll-onThe last section is really to ease the symptoms, the things you can do briefly to help you get through if you may be suffering from some of the illnesses that are associated with cold season. Of course there are a lot of different essential oils that you can use in regard to that but it’s important to note that continuing to take products like Inner Defense, continuing to use Thieves and reduce your threats of exposure, continuing to do all those things will help to ease the symptoms and especially to get you through to where you can get on the other side of an illness. As much as we’d like to avoid it, we all get sick sometimes and it’s really not whether you get sick that shows how strong your immune system is, but how quickly you can get over that illness. For that we have all kinds of great products; one of my absolute favorites is Breathe Again, also linked closely with the oil blend RC. These products can help tremendously to get our lung capacity back, to improve our circulation, to keep mentally aware and functioning properly so that we don’t get bogged down in some of these symptomatic things that often accompany the cold season like coughs and sinus congestion and drainage. So you have all kinds of different opportunities there to ease your symptoms with those products, not the least of which is simply Peppermint. Researchers in Great Britain showed how profoundly Peppermint could affect our ability to take in oxygen and that L-menthol would cause a highly significant enhancement of nasal sensation of airflow. One of the most important things for you to do when you’re starting to get over a cold is to get that airflow back, to get your energy up, and that will help you get through almost anything rather quickly.
So in review I hope that we’ve given you several key strategies that can assist you in your efforts to stay well and keep your family well. It’s truly a battleground it seems sometimes with some of the seasons; not to mention allergy season. A lot of these same strategies will help you tremendously with allergies because they work in a lot of the same ways. As you start to reduce your exposure with all these different methods that we talked about – using the Thieves products, as we start to reinforce and energize our own innate immunity by using great nutritional products and Life 5, then we at times need to bring in the hired guns like Thieves, Inner Defense, and again Life 5, and then as we start to affect our health by easing our symptoms and really helping us to get over things quickly. I’ve used this protocol and this strategy in my own health and in the health of my family and for years now we have been able to avoid taking antibiotics, we’ve been able to avoid a lot of those really serious conditions that sometimes can develop into pneumonia or can develop into more serious long-term conditions. We’ve had tremendous success with these strategies. We try to keep the house in order by using these different essential oils and we try to affect our health naturally, and we’ve been able to accomplish that. We’ve been able to help a lot of other families do the same thing and it’s just brought a lot of blessings to our lives. This is a great strategy, it works, it’s proven, these are strategies that people have been using for generations and generations, way back into the Bible; they work, and they work great. I am looking forward to the stories that will come in as people start to more fully implement some of these strategies and think about some of these areas where we can really help to boost our immunity and to avoid some of these illnesses that plague our society. All the best to you in your efforts and Godspeed in your quest for health.
To purchase any of these wonderful oils, please go to my website at:
Any questions?  Just contact me either here or on my website.
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Sulfurzyme .....Good for Bursitis, Arthritis, Tendonitis, Hair & Nails, Rheumatism, Alzheimer's....

Sulfurzyme® - 300 Caps or Powder 8 oz
Sulfurzyme® combines wolfberry with MSM, a naturally occurring organic form of dietary sulfur needed by our bodies every day to maintain the structure of proteins, protect cells and cell membranes, replenish the connections between cells, and preserve the molecular framework of connective tissue.* MSM also supports the immune system, the liver, circulation, and proper intestinal function and works to scavenge free radicals.* Wolfberries contain minerals and coenzymes that support the assimilation and metabolism of sulfur.* FOS is added to this formula to support normal digestive system health.* 

Body Systems Affected: Immune and Nervous System, Muscles, Bones and Skin
Uses: Sulfurzyme® has a unique combination of Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), the protein building compound found in breast milk and Lyceum Barbarum (Ningxia Wolfberry Powder) that together create a product to revive the immune system and supports almost every body function and forestalls an array of degenerative conditions. MSM's ability to equalize water pressure inside of the cells is a considerable benefit to those that suffer from bursitis, arthritis and tendonitis. It also activates enzymes, helps the body assimilate vitamins and metabolizes carbohydrates.
Sulfurzyme® may also help with symptoms of sulfur deficiency, such as poor nail and hair growth, falling hair, eczema, dermatitis, poor muscle tone, acne, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, Multiple Sklerosis, Parkinsons, Lou Gehrigs and Alzheimers disease.

Comment: Sulfur metabolism requires proper nutrition. It takes calcium to metabolize sulfur, magnesium to metabolize calcium, potassium to metabolize magnesium, phosphorus to metabolize potassium, etc. The list goes on! That is why we added wolfberry powder to this formula it contains all the necessary components to metabolize sulfur.

How to use: Take 2 capsules two times daily or as needed one hour before or after meals, or if you use the powder, Mix 1/2 teaspoon with juice or distilled water and take twice daily, one hour before or after meals. 

Amounts per Serving:
MSM (methylsulfonymethane): 1.6 g per serving
Ningxia Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum fruit): 200 mg per serving

Ingredients: Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), frustooligosaccharides (FOS), Ningxia wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) powder and stevioside (Stevia rebaudiana) leaf. 

Companion Essential Oil Blends: Citrus Fresh, Exodus II, ImmuPower, Motivation, Thieves, Valor

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To purchase any of these wonderful oils, please go to my website at:
Any questions?  Just contact me either here or on my website.
Check out my Facebook page at:                     

The Chemistry of Essential Oils.....18 Doctors speak out.

by Dr. David Stewart, Ph.D.
If you tell most medical doctors that essential oils bring about healing with no negative side effects, they won’t believe you. This is because in medical school, students are repeatedly told by their professors that all effective medicines have negative side effects, and if they don’t then they can’t be effective.
When I was in medical school one professor emphasized this point in a colorful, graphic manner with specially prepared slides. In each slide specific drugs were depicted as evil looking demons or goblins. As he presented each picture, he explained, “Although ugly and capable of doing harm, these ‘demons’ are also the bearers of some good. So long as the benefits outweigh the risks, we use them,” he  summarized. “We have no choice,” he continued, “because if a drug has no dangers, then it can have no benefits. That’s just the way it is. And that’s why it is essential that only qualified physicians be allowed to prescribe medicines,” he concluded.
Actually, the professor was telling the truth. Within the  restricted practice of allopathy (MDs) the only real medicines are physician prescribed pharmaceuticals. Such medicines always do have negative side effects. All of them.  No exceptions. Hence, doctors are trained to accept the bad with the good as the price of effective medicine.

The Danger is in the Drug Itself

The dangers of prescription drugs are intrinsic to the drugs themselves, not in how they are administered. No matter how careful the physician in prescribing and how compliant the patient in following doctor’s orders, even then deaths and damages occur. In fact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, more than 100,000 Americans die every year, not from illegal drugs, not from drug overdoses, not from over-the-counter drugs, and not from drug abuses, but from properly prescribed, properly taken prescriptions. In this country, more people die from doctor’s prescriptions every ten days than were killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Why is this so? Why do allopathic drugs always have undesirable effects (along with their apparent benefits) while one can find healing with natural products, such as essential oils, with no undesirable effects? Here is why.

Why Companies Deliberately Sell Dangerous Products

It is illegal to patent any natural product. The way to big profits in the medicine industry is to create an unnatural substance that never before existed in nature, then patent it, and obtain a monopoly. Hence, the molecules of pharmaceutical drugs are all strange to the human body. In all the history of humankind, such molecules were never encountered or taken into any human body. Hence, the body does not easily metabolize them. God never made your body to accept and deal with these chemicals and antibiotics.
Non-toxic natural organic substances are usually easily eliminated by the body when their usefulness has run their course. Up to a point, your body can even deal with and eliminate natural toxic substances. But when your body receives a synthetic substance, even one that may seem benign or inert (like plastic), your body does not know how to metabolize and eliminate it. If sent to the liver to break it down into disposable compounds, the liver says, “Hey. What is this? I don’t know what to do with it. Here kidneys, you take it.” Then the kidneys react saying, “Hey liver, don’t send it to us. We don’t know what it is either. Send it to the pancreas. Maybe it will have an enzyme that can deal with it.” Then the pancreas objects, “Hey guys, what do you think you are doing? I don’t want this stuff. Dump it in the blood or the lymph or try the spleen. Maybe the spleen can filter this thing out or something.” Finally, the substance ends up in the long term waste holding area of the body (usually fat tissue, including the brain) where it can remain for years and even for a lifetime, perturbing normal body functions as long as it remains. That’s why you can find traces of prescription drugs in your body taken in childhood, decades ago.
On the other hand, natural molecules, such as those found in essential oils, are easily metabolized by the body. In fact, your body was created to handle them. When an essential oil molecule finds the receptor sites it was designed to fit and conveys its information to the cell, or participates in other therapeutic functions, it then goes on its way to the liver and the kidneys and moves out of the body. Its benefits have been conveyed and its job is complete.
By contrast, the unnatural molecules of man-made drugs attach themselves to various tissues, disrupting normal function for years while the body tries to figure out what to do with them. Meanwhile, they wreak mischief with our bodily functions and even our minds.

Who is in Control?

Another reason commercial drug companies don’t want to sell natural products is that they are not in complete control of their production. When you synthesize everything in a laboratory, you are in control. You can produce your medicines at will, in any quantity, whenever you choose. This way you can meet market demands as they materialize.
When you depend on nature to grow your product, God is in control. You are at the mercy of the seasons. You can only grow so much with a given year’s crop. If a year’s supply runs out before the next crop is ready for harvest, then you and your customers just have to wait. Meanwhile, you lose potential sales and profits.
Drug companies want to be totally in charge of producing their products. They don’t want God to be in charge. By omitting God from the manufacture of their medicines, they have omitted his healing power.

Drugs versus Oils 

Drugs and oils work in opposite ways. Drugs toxify. Oils detoxify. Drugs clog and confuse receptor sites. Oils clean receptor sites.
Drugs depress the immune system. Oils strengthen the immune system. Antibiotics attack bacteria indiscriminately, killing both the good and the bad. Oils attack only the harmful bacteria, allowing our body’s friendly flora to flourish.
Drugs are one-dimensional, programmed like robots to carry out certain actions in the body, whether the body can benefit from them or not. When body conditions change, drugs keep on doing what they were doing, even when their actions are no longer beneficial.
Essential oils are multi-dimensional, filled with homeostatic intelligence to restore the body to a state of healthy balance. When body conditions change, oils adapt, raising or lowering blood pressure as needed, stimulating or repressing enzyme activity as needed, energizing or relaxing as needed. Oils are smart. Drugs are dumb.
Drugs are designed to send misinformation to cells or block certain receptor sites in order to trick the body into giving up symptoms. But drugs never deal with the actual causes of disease. They aren’t designed for that purpose. While they may give prompt relief for certain uncomfortable symptoms, because of their strange, unnatural design, they will always disrupt certain other bodily functions. Thus, you always have some side effects.
Oil molecules send information to cells and cleanse receptor sites so that they bring your body back to natural function. Oils are balancing to the body. Drugs are unbalancing to the body. Oils address the causes of disease at a cellular level by deleting misinformation and reprogramming correct information so that cells function properly and in harmony with one another. With drugs, misinformation is fed into the cells so that some temporary relief may be obtained, but there is never any true healing. Drugs only trade one kind of disease for another.
Because essential oils properly applied always work toward the restoration of proper bodily function, they do not cause undesirable side effects. They are feeding the body with truth. Drugs feed the body with lies. While no amount of truth can contradict itself, it doesn’t take many lies before contradictions occur and the body suffers ill effects.
Essential Oils and Pharmaceuticals Compared 654x1024 Why Essential Oils Heal and Drugs Dont

Eighteen Doctors Speak Out

Not all physicians are caught up in the idea that the only good medicines are ones that can also be harmful. Here are some comments by physicians, themselves, on the practice of medicine.
“Every educated physician knows that most diseases are not appreciably helped by medicine.”
Richard C. Cabot, M.D. Professor Harvard School of Medicine; Author of Differential Diagnosis, The Art of Ministering to the Sick, and other books.
“The cause of most disease is in the poisonous drugs physicians superstitiously give in order to effect a cure.”
Charles E. Page, M.D.
“Medicines are of subordinate importance because of their very nature, they can only work symptomatically.”
Hans Kusche, M.D.
“The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine.”
William Osler, M.D.
“If all the medicine in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity”
O.W. Holmes, M.D. American Poet, Professor of Medicine, Dartmouth College and Harvard University
“Drug medications consist in employing, as remedies for disease, those things which produce disease in well persons. Its materia medica is simply a lot of drugs or chemicals or dye-stuffs—in a word poisons. All are incompatible with vital matter; all produce disease when brought in contact in any manner with the living; all are poisons.”
R.T. Trail, M.D. Author of The True Healing Art and other books. Quote from a lecture to members of Congress and the medical profession, Smithsonian Institute, Washington D.C.
 ”Every drug increases and complicates the patients condition.”
Robert Henderson, M.D.
“The greatest part of all chronic disease is created by the suppression of acute disease by drug poisoning.”
Henry Lindlahr, M.D. Author of Diagnostic Methods, Nature Cure: Philosophy and Practice, Natural Therapeutics, and other books.
“Medicine is only palliative, for back of disease lies the cause, and this cause no drug can reach.”
Wier Mitchel, M.D. 
“Medical practice has neither philosophy nor common sense to recommend it. In sickness the body is already loaded with impurities. By taking drug – medicines more impurities are added, thereby the case is further embarrassed and harder to cure.”
Elmer Lee, M.D. Past Vice President, Academy of Medicine.
“Our figures show approximately four and one half million hospital admissions annually due to the adverse reactions to drugs. Further, the average hospital patient has as much as thirty percent chance, depending how long he is in, of doubling his stay due to adverse drug reactions.”
Milton Silverman, M.D. Professor of Pharmacology, University of California. Author, The Drugging of America, Prescription for Death, and other books.
“What hope is there for medical science to ever become a true science when the entire structure of medical knowledge is built around the idea that there is an entity called disease which can be expelled when the right drug is found?”
John H. Tilden, M.D. Author of Impaired Health, Etiology, Hygiemic, and Dietetic Treatment of Appendicitis, and other books and articles.
“We are prone to thinking of drug abuse in terms of the male population and illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. It may surprise you to learn that a greater problem exists with millions of women dependent on legal prescription drugs.”
Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. Chairman, Illinois State Medical Licensing Board, Author of Confessions of a Medical Heretic, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, and other books.
“Why would a patient swallow a poison because he is ill, or take that which would make a well man sick.”
L.F. Kebler, M.D. Author of Technical Drug Studies, Medicated Soft Drinks, and other works.
“Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature’s protest, and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time.”
Daniel. H. Kress, M.D. Author of The Cost to Society of Cigarettes: A Century of Analysis, Ulcers and Smoking, and other books.
“There are over 10 million adverse reactions yearly from FDA-approved over-the-counter and prescription drugs. We are not talking about mild nausea or headaches. Between 60,000 and 140,000 people die each year from adverse drug reactions. Each year, more Americans die after taking prescription drugs than died in the entire Vietnam war. Over half the drugs approved by the FDA since 1976 were later found to be much more toxic than previously thought. Several had to be removed from the market.”
Julian Whitaker, M.D. Author of Reversing Heart Disease, Guide to Natural Healing, The Heart Surgery Trap, and other books.
“There are significant efforts by insurance companies to exclude preventive health care and education and the use of natural, inexpensive remedies, while ignoring the benefits of nutrition. At the same time they pay huge medical claims to hospitals for surgery and pharmaceutical products. There is an unwritten agreement between hospitals and insurance providers to reimburse the hospitals for services performed in hospitals – to scratch each other’s back – so to speak. There is a hidden agenda in this. If insurance providers pay hospitals for patients’ medical claims, then at the end of the year the insurance companies can go to the state insurance commissions with their track records and request a premium increase. A premium increase translates into more profit for the insurance carriers as well as the hospitals.”
Terry S. Friedmann, M.D. Author of Freedom Through Health and other publications. Co-founder and Board Member, American Holistic Medical Association.
“The necessity of teaching mankind not to take drugs and medicines, is a duty incumbent upon all who know their uncertainty and injurious effects; and the time is not far distant when the drug system will be abandoned.”
Charles Armbruster, M.D. 
So there you have it, why oils heal and drugs don’t. Let’s hope Dr. Armbruster is right, that “the time is not far distant when the drug system will be abandoned.” Pharmaceutical companies and their physician drug dealers could market and sell natural products with genuine healing capabilities, but most won’t. There isn’t any money in it.

Emergency Medicine is the Best of Medicine

In Dr. Robert Mendelsohn’s book, Confessions of a Medical Heretic, he describes medicine as a practice of religion rather than a practice of science. Doctors practice what they believe, not what they can substantiate by valid science. According to Mendelsohn, in the religion of medicine, physicians are the high priests and their ecclesiastical robes are their white coats. Hospitals are the temples where many holy waters are dispensed in the form of drugs, antibiotics, and vaccines. People tithe to the church of medicine by dutifully paying their insurance premiums. The word “prescription” is very close to the term “prescriptural,” thus implying a scriptural basis for their use. The Holy Bible containing the scriptures of medicine is thePharmaceutical PDR. For millions of people, their faith and confidence in the religion of medicine is far greater than their belief in the institutions of worship they may attend. In a crisis, they would sooner call 911 than call upon God in prayer.
Dr. Mendelsohn was a practicing pediatrician at the Michael Reese Medical Center in Chicago, a professor at the University of Illinois School of Medicine, Chairman of the Illinois State Licensing Board, and appeared on national television many times. He is author of another book entitled, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, where he states, “When it comes to treating a sick child, one grandmother is worth two pediatricians.” He also often said, “If you always assume your doctor is wrong, most of the time you will be right.” In Dr. Mendelsohn’s opinion, “The best of medicine is emergency medicine.” I agree. When it comes to chronic disease, they have little or nothing to offer – no cures, only treatments and disease management.
I don’t want to imply that there is no use for medical care as we have it today. If I were in a serious accident with a massive head injury, damage to my internal organs, or a broken limb, I would want to go to the nearest emergency room as fast as possible with the best physicians and nurses on staff. Allopathic medicine is wonderful in a crisis and saves many lives. Emergency medicine is what they do best. In a traumatic situation where you could die unless immediate action is taken, allopathy with all of its drugs, surgeries, equipment, and other paraphernalia can be just what you need to get through the crisis.
But as for healing, allopathic medicine doesn’t offer much. After you have been rescued by allopathic measures from imminent death in an emergency situation, the healing is still up to you by seeking other modalities. And when it comes to chronic illness like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease, allopathy has no cures and usually makes matters worse.
One reason medical practitioners do best in a crisis is because that is the emphasis in their training. In fact, in America, 85% of medical expenditures are for crisis applications – responding to accidents, acute life-threatening conditions, or patching up the body when seriously advanced disease has occurred and death may be imminent. Meanwhile, less than 6% of health care expenditures are for prevention and wellness education.
True healing can only take place with the participation of the patient on all levels – mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical. The idea of “leaving it to the doctor” leads to unending sickness and poor health. Health care and health maintenance is something you do for yourself, with the help of God. Not something for which you pay your money and continue to do as you please without altering your lifestyle.
Health care is your responsibility – not the government’s, not the insurance company’s, not the health care system’s, and not the doctor’s.

Can the Present Health Care System Change?

In my opinion, changing the medical system toward natural and spiritual forms of healing that encourage more individual responsibility is impossible. The system can’t change. It won’t change. It must be replaced. There was a time for horses and buggies, but when automobiles came along people gave up their former ways of transportation. There is also a time to repair your car and keep it, and a time to discard it for a new one. The medical profession is a sophisticated machine, but it rests on a fallacious foundation. Its philosophical basis is like a Model-T Ford stuck in the mud that can’t move and won’t change.
There is a time to repair the old car and a time to replace it. The current medical system is an old car, beyond repair, parked on a false foundation. It survives, not because it serves the good of humanity, but because it has become politically entrenched in our society. The time has come to remove its legal franchise and replace it by allowing alternative modalities to flourish free of the shackles placed upon them by allopathy’s monopolistic intent.
Terry Friedmann, MD, in his book, Freedom Through Health, envisions a new holistic system to replace the current one that emphasizes personal responsibility and fosters cooperative relationships among many modalities with allopathy playing only a minor role. Dr. Friedmann’s new health care model would include nutrition, exercise, stress management, and aromatherapy, to address the whole person – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In their books, Robert Mendelsohn, MD, and Richard Gerber, MD, also foresee a new holistic medical paradigm – one not dependent on allopathic drugs and procedures as its primary focus.
The time has come to move on to paradigms and modalities based on different premises than those that underlie modern allopathy. Those of you who have opted out of the system in favor of essential oils and their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits are among the pioneers who are replacing the system.
As for those of you who have taken over-the-counter or prescription drugs over long periods of time, essential oils are your best friend because they can cleanse the residues of these toxins from your system once and for all and help restore your body back to its natural healthy state.
Copyright Care Publications – All rights reserved.

About the Author

Dr. David Stewart studied theology, philosophy, and English at Central Methodist College in Fayette, Missouri (1955-58) and studied chemistry, biology and social sciences at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg (1962-63). He also studied commercial photography at Los Angeles Trade Technical College (1959-60). He completed a BS degree in Mathematics and Physics at Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1965 and was salutatorian of his graduating class. His MS and PhD degrees are in geophysics (theoretical seismology) and were earned from the University of Missouri at Rolla in 1969 and 1971 respectively. He spent a semester in medical school at the University of North Carolina (1973) and has been a Certified Childbirth Educator (CCE) with the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth (AAHCC) since 1975.
Dr. Stewart is also a Registered Aromatherapist (RA) with the nationally recognized Aromatherapy Registration Council (ARC), which is endorsed by the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists (NAHA), of which he is a member.
He has held positions as a hydraulic engineer and hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Southern California (1965-67). He was a professor on the faculty of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, (1971-1978) and also held a professorship at Southeast Missouri State University (1988-1993). He was also a part-time United Methodist Pastor (1993-94, 1997-99) in rural Missouri. He has been the Executive Director of the InterNational Association of Parents and Professionals for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth (NAPSAC International) since its founding in 1975.
For most of his professional career, Dr. Stewart has been self-employed as an author and lecturer, mainly in the area of alternative health care. He has also served on advisory committees to the American Public Health Association (APHA) and the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM). He has testified as an expert on health matters before state legislative committees, U.S. congressional committees, medical licensing boards and courts of law throughout the U.S. as well as in Canada.
He has authored or coauthored over 200 published works including more than a dozen books (including Healing Oils of the Bible). Two of his books won the “Books of the Year” Award from the American Journal of Nursing. One of his flyers on breastfeeding (published by La Leche League International, LLLI) sold over two million copies in ten languages.

To purchase any of these wonderful oils, please go to my website at:
Any questions?  Just contact me either here or on my website.
Check out my Facebook page at: