Thursday, 31 October 2013

Sulfurzyme .....Good for Bursitis, Arthritis, Tendonitis, Hair & Nails, Rheumatism, Alzheimer's....

Sulfurzyme® - 300 Caps or Powder 8 oz
Sulfurzyme® combines wolfberry with MSM, a naturally occurring organic form of dietary sulfur needed by our bodies every day to maintain the structure of proteins, protect cells and cell membranes, replenish the connections between cells, and preserve the molecular framework of connective tissue.* MSM also supports the immune system, the liver, circulation, and proper intestinal function and works to scavenge free radicals.* Wolfberries contain minerals and coenzymes that support the assimilation and metabolism of sulfur.* FOS is added to this formula to support normal digestive system health.* 

Body Systems Affected: Immune and Nervous System, Muscles, Bones and Skin
Uses: Sulfurzyme® has a unique combination of Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), the protein building compound found in breast milk and Lyceum Barbarum (Ningxia Wolfberry Powder) that together create a product to revive the immune system and supports almost every body function and forestalls an array of degenerative conditions. MSM's ability to equalize water pressure inside of the cells is a considerable benefit to those that suffer from bursitis, arthritis and tendonitis. It also activates enzymes, helps the body assimilate vitamins and metabolizes carbohydrates.
Sulfurzyme® may also help with symptoms of sulfur deficiency, such as poor nail and hair growth, falling hair, eczema, dermatitis, poor muscle tone, acne, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, Multiple Sklerosis, Parkinsons, Lou Gehrigs and Alzheimers disease.

Comment: Sulfur metabolism requires proper nutrition. It takes calcium to metabolize sulfur, magnesium to metabolize calcium, potassium to metabolize magnesium, phosphorus to metabolize potassium, etc. The list goes on! That is why we added wolfberry powder to this formula it contains all the necessary components to metabolize sulfur.

How to use: Take 2 capsules two times daily or as needed one hour before or after meals, or if you use the powder, Mix 1/2 teaspoon with juice or distilled water and take twice daily, one hour before or after meals. 

Amounts per Serving:
MSM (methylsulfonymethane): 1.6 g per serving
Ningxia Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum fruit): 200 mg per serving

Ingredients: Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), frustooligosaccharides (FOS), Ningxia wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) powder and stevioside (Stevia rebaudiana) leaf. 

Companion Essential Oil Blends: Citrus Fresh, Exodus II, ImmuPower, Motivation, Thieves, Valor

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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