Tuesday 29 October 2013

Oils That Are Good For Treating "Psoriasis"

Treating Psoriasis with PH Balance

Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, dry skin, allergies and similar problems indicate an excessive acidic pH in the body.  The more acid in the blood and skin, the less therapeutic effect the oils will have.  People who have a negative reaction to oils are usually high acidically and need to get a better balance on their pH level.  When a body is Alkaline, no disease can survive in the human body, but when it is on the acidic side, a door is open for disease to set in.  An alkaline balance must be maintained in the blood and skin for the oils to work the best. 
Young Living AlkaLime is helpful for balancing pH levels.  

The most common type of psoriasis is called plaque psoriasis.  It causes a thick, patchy, red rash with silvery, white scales.  It can appear anywhere but most often occurs on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.  The condition is not contagious, and is fairly common, affecting 2-3% of Americans.  Psoriasis is more common in adults than in children. 

Psoriasis can cover up to 90% of the body.  The overly rapid growth of skin cells is the primary cause of the lesions associated with psoriasis.  In some cases, skin cells grow four times faster than normal, resulting in formation of silvery layers that flake off.

Symptoms of Psoriasis
* Occurs on elbows, chest, knees and scalp
* Slightly elevated reddish lesions covered with silver-white scales
* The disease can be limited to one small patch or can cover the entire body
* Rashes subside after exposure to sunlight
* Rashes occur over a period of years

Use a blend of Young Living Essential Oils to aide in the healing of Psoriasis.   Recommended oils are a blend of:
2 drops of Patchouly
2 drops of Roman Chamomile
2 drops of Lavender
2 drops of Melrose

To purchase any of these wonderful oils, please go to my website at:  https://www.youngliving.org/june55
Any questions?  Just contact me either here or on my website.
Check out my Facebook page at:                                        

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