Wednesday 23 October 2013


Frankincense has been used as an anti-depressant. Frankincense contains molecules  known as sesquiterpenes. This in essence means that Frankincense oil is  able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and reach the limbic system of the brain, the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands. The limbic part of the brain is the centre for memory and emotions.
It has anti-tumoral properties. A number of studies have now been carried out indicating that frankincense can be effective against cancer cells. In Oman, where the local people drink water infused with or chew the frankincense resin, there is very little incidence of cancer in the hospitals. There is also very little incidence of periodontal disease, so this is another promising area for research.
Anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating properties.
DNA repair
Promotes meditation and spiritual awareness.


Try diffusing  Frankincense in a room before you meditate or do your yoga practice or even just rub a few drops in your hand, rub 3 times clockwise and inhale.
You can also try applying a few drops to your chakra points.
If you wish to try using it internally you might wish to dilute 1 drop of Frankincense per 4 parts of olive oil and use a vegetable capsule. Take before a meal or before bed.

DISCLAIMER:  Please remember that anything discussed here does not constitute medical advice and cannot substitute for appropriate medical care. Where essential oils are mentioned, it’s recommended you use only pure, unadulterated therapeutic grade essential oils and follow the safety directions of the manufacturer.
To purchase any of these wonderful oils, please go to my website at:
Any questions?  Just contact me either here or on my website. 
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